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Support to Young Refugees Program (NGO)

Support to Young Refugees Program as an empowerment program, is led by Youth Approaches to Health Association (YAHA) and supported by UNFPA Turkey Office.

The program targets reaching young refugees aged between 15-30 in Diyarbakir, Hatay, Izmir and Ankara to empower them. It aims strengthening the communication between Turkish youth and young refugees, increasing access to health care services of young people, increasing awareness on gender based violence and sexual and reproductive health among young people.



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  • It is Possible to Prevent Peer Bullying

    Peer bullying is a type of violence that can be seen based on power inequalities between peers and can leave permanent damage. However, it is possible to prevent possible harm with the supportive and correct interventions of adults and institutions. However, peering can also mean solidarity. We experience many emotions in peer relationships, such as feeling included, loved, and accepted. We dream of a life where peer solidarity becomes widespread and all children/young people feel safe in their social lives.

  • Non-Violent Digital Environments Are Possible

    Digital violence; made using digital communication tools; It is a type of violence that can be psychological, sexual, emotional and/or economic.

    According to the "Digital Violence in Turkey" research published in 2021, 1 out of every 5 people, especially young people, is exposed to digital violence in Turkey. Being able to define violence is vital for finding solutions. We remind the possibilities that digital tools offer for solidarity and access to accurate information, and we strive for digital environments free from violence.

  • Youth Friendly Health Services and Family Planning Are Important

    Unwanted and unplanned pregnancies can negatively affect people's well-being, including their health. When pregnancy is not desired and planned, dangers may arise in different ways depending on factors such as the pregnant woman's age, socioeconomic status, and health status. For this reason, it is very important that all young people have access to information, services and methods to prevent unwanted and risky pregnancies. We emphasize again the importance of youth-friendly health services and family planning. We want to know and reach!

  • It is possible to live with HIV and those living with HIV are not alone!

    HIV is not transferred by,

    💏 kissing,

    🫂 hugging,

    🚻 using common fields.