- A 3D globe, where you can scroll between the continents. Camera does not stop in between 2 continents (for instance, it does not stop in the Pacific Ocean when you scroll left while in North America view). There are 6 views in total:
North America ← → Europe ← → Asia
↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓
South America ← → Africa ← → Oceania
- On the left: World population (4 different types of population: Ruling Elite, White Collar, Blue Collar, Plebs).
- On the right: Resources (Health, Economy, Stability, Science).
- On the bottom: Newsfeed
- On the top: Date - The in game time moves very fast (~5 seconds for a year).
- On the main screen, problem events will appear in different continents (players will be alerted through the Newsfeed). They will be represented by animations (ex of problems: Rioting, Nuclear Waste, Poverty, Disease, Famine, etc)
- Players can click on the event in order to get a pop-up window about how to approach the problem.
- The problem usually does not disappear after making a choice, filling the globe with various animations as the game progresses. You can click a problem you solved to change your decision afterward.
- If players do not click on the problems, the problem will impact resources negatively, and will transform into more severe versions: Ex: Rioting event will generate -Stability, and will transform into Revolution event after a few years (in game time).
- When the run ends, the world will explode with an animation, players get a “You have survived X years” message and a personal high-score table will be shown.
- After every run, depending on how well the player did on that particular run, and what caused the eventual societal collapse, the player will be rewarded with a “Lesson from the Past” ability, which is a permanent bonus for all the subsequent runs.
- The player gets to pick out of 3 available Lessons each time a Lesson is awarded
- These lessons will allow players to make different builds.
- There will be a cap on how many runs a player can make in a day. For instance, a run will require 1 Coin (in-game currency), and will be spent after each run, unless the player beats his personal record (in that case, 2 coins will be awarded). 3 coins will be deposited to a player’s account each time they log-in for a day (with a cap of 15 coins).
- A coin is required to change Lessons of the Past. Since they are awarded randomly and will be buffed/nerfed as the game evolves, players are likely to spend a lot of coins on talent changes.